Advertising & Sponsorship
Do you want to promote your sporting event, or sports company, to a highly engaged group of sports enthusiasts?
The SportonSpec audience - by virtue of what we do - are all sports fans! You can reach them in one of two ways:-
FOR EVENT HOLDERS - Feature Event of the Week displayed on our Home page and What's On page.
SPORTS BRANDS - Promote your sporting business - e.g. goods or services - displayed on the Home page, What's On page and/or relevant event pages on the SportonSpec website.
For more information read on and to enquire about a booking please email
A 'standard event' listing on the SportonSpec What's On page appears in chronological order on the main feed. Alongside, or as a standalone promotion if preferred, the awareness of your event can be significantly boosted with a 'premium listing' - aka 'Feature Event of the Week'.
With a premium listing an event graphic is displayed at the top of the What's On and Home page, immediately visible to all visitors.
Premium listings are for 7 or 14 days. The audience is targeted web users looking for sporting events to experience, predominately in London area.
Contact to enquire and to receive our rate card.

Whether you are a sports business selling goods (e.g. equipment or apparel) or services (e.g. gym/fitness classes) the SportonSpec website offers an opportunity to target a sports-focused audience.
You can boost the profile of your brand generally, or a particular promotion you are running, in a number of ways.
A headline partner - to appear across the SportonSpec website - opportunity is currently available. Also listings in blocks of 7 or 14 days on the What's On page and individual event pages targeting a particular sporting audience. For example in athletics, football or rugby union.
Contact for more information and to request our rate card.